Wine Coolers Aren't Soft Drinks. One 12-ounce (.35 liter) wine cooler contains the same amount of alcohol as a 12-ounce beer, a glass of wine or a shot of hard liquor.
Space Tomatoes. NASA is asking students to plant tomato seeds from space to see how they grow. The seeds were floating around in a satellite for five and half years. They don't think it will be another Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, but "Obviously, if a teacher... says they've got a 25-pound [11 kilogram] purple tomato, you bet we'll go look at it," a scientist told USA Today.
Because It's, Well, There. Can't get away to Yosemite to rock climb this afternoon? Why not try an indoor climbing wall? They're sprouting up all over the United States, and a Youth 90 reporter even found one in the highlands of Scotland. These rock climbing gyms often feature fiberglass walls made to feel like the real thing.

Elvis in Your Garden? A Cincinnati, Ohio, toy company makes a mold that you can put on vegetables while they're growing. After a few weeks your favorite veggies will have one of several faces, including Elvis Presley (not licensed yet) or a "pickle puss" for cucumbers that will be pickled. You can even have a mold of your own face--for $2,500.
Taken from Youth 90 magazine

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