Do you have a unique skill or interest? You don't have to wait until you graduate from college to use your skills. You may be able to use them now in your own home-based business.
Do you have a green thumb? Set up your own plant sitting service. Make a deal with neighbors to water their plants while they're gone on vacation. If you're good with animals, you could also watch their pets.
Are you known for your neatness? Housecleaning isn't the most glamorous job, but it's something a lot of people could use help with. Offer your services to working mothers and elderly people.
What do you enjoy doing? You might be able to start your own business!

Are you a good typist? Many students are willing to pay someone to type their papers for them. Post fliers on the bulletin boards of high schools and colleges.
Do you know how to cook? A lot of working wives would love to come home and have dinner waiting for them. Learn to master one or two good meals and offer to prepare them for families in your neighborhood. Are you good with children? Let parents in your neighborhood know that you are available for baby-sitting.
Do you like yard work? Probably many of your neighbors could use help with lawn mowing, tree or bush trimming, weeding and so on.
Do you have experience raising animals? Many people would rather buy their pets from someone they know than a pet store. Finches, gerbils and guppies are examples of pets that breed well in captivity.
Are you athletic? You may be able to coach or teach your favorite sport. Or you could offer your services as a golf caddie or umpire.

Are you good at car care? Put a sign up for your own car wash and wax service.
Do you know how to sew? Offer your services to people who either do not have the time or skill to sew on buttons, hem skirts and pants and so on. Put up notices on bulletin boards advertising your service.
Whatever you decide to do, do your homework first. Make sure the service you're offering is something people in your area need and want. Ask a fair price. Make sure you have enough time to handle any business you may get. Check government regulations and requirements.
Done right, your own business can be quite rewarding. You'll earn extra cash now and build job skills that will last you a lifetime.
- By Becky Sweat
Taken from Youth 90 magazine

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